Monday, June 8, 2009

Payback's A Whore, And We're The Pimps

Cunt politician, sitting on your chair cushioned from the poor's skin. Signing your name in blood on papers that cut our freedom. Fuck you! You hide in your tailor-made suit covering up your insecurities and penis envy. And you speak of liberty, then rape us with your wooden fist. There will be another war on American soil. Gangsters will clean graffiti and wash the city of evil; the homeless will arrest criminals wearing badges and live in mansions. We will impale you with the cross you use to justify your injurious actions. Our decisions won't emanate from the upper 1%. They'll flow from the commoner's mouth and our children's movements. The broken chains have been buried in your grave. Now you feel as we did, getting sodomized and tossed in the Styx river.


  1. I just saw at Myspace....Great piece....I too believe a cleansing is coming...just as soon as we get off our complacent , mind controlled asses !!

    Awesome writing Bobby

  2. You are creating quite the voice my man

  3. Wow, wow, WOW! You are a poet after my own mind. Your words are real, violent and exactly the way poetry is meant to be. How did I find this paradise? Would love to add you to my blogroll. Please visit my site & let me know if that's okay when you get the chance.
